Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mens Fitness Workouts How Does This Guy Get Like This?

How does this guy get like this? - mens fitness workouts


I do not know ... Sports Law? Ive worked well and nothing happens. In the increasingly weakened a little, but that's all.

I eat lots of calories per day, not junk food is not.


  1. Living in the Age of OrtonJanuary 23, 2010 at 1:30 AM

    Just keep training and not disappoint. Stay motivated! You can, it takes some time, you said that you have little body fat, so you can get as the conditions to do training and what you do.

    I do not know what your exercise routine, but take plenty of rest and work hard. Take Whey Protein sure after training, that you take enough protein in your diet, it's time muscular build.

  2. Patience. There can be many years of hard work to get the body you want in terms of their genetic predisposition, diet, exercise routine and goals. They seem to have food down, you can not do anything about your genetics, your routine is not, I can not say anything about this, and their goal seems possible, since you have little body fat already. But honestly, it sounds like you keep longer if you must have seen some progress.

    This model has very good lighting and a little Photoshopping on ABS. If you still can not see, after a short time the lights and try to look like the models in the pictures. I did it once, and I was very surprised:)

  3. ok, a little less information, but how long did you exercise? and give your muscles rest? The best way to get your exercise in different muscle groups are any group of 24-48 hours of rest otherwise. Cardio is also critical for muscle building. Do not worry if you do not have to consult within a few months or longer, a physician trainer and ask to see where they go wrong

    Good luck!

  4. a number of things probably.

    Genetics play an important role, no matter how hard you train for some people, there is always someone bigger and stronger than them. their genetic background, just give them an advantage.

    Have you thought about taking creatine, used by many sports stars to help attract and increase muscle mass and strength and endurance.
